Nyusha Iampolski

You enter a room.

To your left, you see a model of the HUMAN BRAIN with colorful blocking. 

To your right, you see a wooden PUZZLE BOX with intricate carvings.

Directly in front of you is a RUSSIAN NESTING DOLL which you immensely vibe with.

>Inspect BRAIN

Cultural psychology and promoting scientific literacy are some of my biggest passions! I am constantly coming up with new ideas for experiences that promote mental health and combat pseudoscience. I have always wanted to make impactful designs that make people engage deeply with reality, both inside and outside themselves. My psychology work experience and degree equip me to tackle this challenge.


I am a big believer in the importance of play, and as a former escape room designer and current game design student, I take the power of games seriously. I value games as a unique medium because of their power to give agency to players. I also love making them because I get to use so many different skills, from code to illustration to writing, and more!



  • - I'm a first-gen American from an Eastern European family, meaning I ruined a thousand year long streak of people eating borscht.
  • - I live for stories with a great twist- the more mind-bending, the better!
  • - I pride myself on my grate atenttion two detale.*